
Communiqué n° 7 de la CTD. Le 16 Juillet 2021.

Evènement Warabaley

Le 30 juin dernier, un Issa serait mort suite à une agression à coups de pierre à Warabaley, banlieue de Balbala près de Djibouti. 

Ce tragique événement a été l’occasion pour le pouvoir d’attiser les conflits ethniques.  Les forces de l’ordre se sont livré, sans discernement, à des arrestations parmi la population afar provoquant des réactions et des troubles entre les deux communautés.

La CTD fait part de son émotion et présente ses condoléances à la famille du défunt.

La CTD condamne ces arrestations arbitraires sans enquête, ni jugement des personnes raflées pour leurs seules appartenances ethniques.

La CTD appelle au calme et à la retenue de la population, et souhaite que nous œuvrions tous ensemble pour créer un pays uni, fraternel et solidaire sans distinction d’origines ethniques.

Cette cohésion nationale, Ismaël Omar Guelleh ne s’en est jamais préoccupé.  Bien au contraire, il entretient la division pour mieux régner et  bafoue ainsi les droits de l’homme proclamant les valeurs de la liberté, de l’égalité et de la fraternité.

Depuis longtemps, il fait de l’ingérence en intervenant sur le territoire éthiopien, soufflant sur les braises d’un conflit ethnique toujours prompt à se réveiller entre les Issas et les Afars. 

C’est une façon pour lui de répliquer à l’isolement diplomatique dans lequel nos voisins de la région  l’ont contenu.

Non à cette culture de la haine tribale. Nous n’en voulons pas, ni chez nous, ni chez nos voisins.

La  CTD a délégué des membres éminents, signataires de la Charte de transition pour se rendre  à Warabaley pour apaiser les tensions et participer à la réconciliation.

En ce qui concerne la CTD, nous  mobiliserons toutes nos forces pour faire naître un pays dans lequel tous les citoyens se reconnaitrons avant tout Djiboutiens, tous et toutes frères et sœurs dans la solidarité et dans l’amour de notre pays .

Fait à Nantes, 16 Juillet 2021

Pour la CTD,
Mohamed Moussa AÏNACHÉ

A télécharger :

Mouna “Chalana” Omar

Mouna “Chalana” Omar

She was working for the ministry of budget till she was fired for peacefully demanding lower electricity cost on June 24th. After that she denounced the corruption concerning the Chief of Service that delivers Drivers licences for refusing to sing unless they pay him a bribe of 10,000FDJ ($70USD). For that she was threatened and intimidated by the government while being detained for three days at the police station. The court sentenced her to 6 months of probation and a fine of 150,000FDJ ($850USD) on November 12th. She sparked a lot of young Djiboutians to post videos speaking out against the same corruption she faced and they are now following her court procedure. The government attempted to bribe her to stay silent but like the other heros she had a firm need to bring back democracy and eliminate corruption in Djibouti.

Heroes Fighting For Djibouti

Samira Djama

Samira Djama

Is the wife of Fouad Youssouf Ali. She has been posting videos crying for his release. Saying the government has violated her right to visit her husband on numerous occasions. Her seven children are facing psychological damage from this unjustifiable imprisonment of their father. Fouad’s mother and children have also posted videos begging for his release. Samira has had no salary for months however her videos inspired the Djiboutian communities in America and the rest of the world to rise up and contribute donations to support her while she fights for freedom. Relatives and activists ensure the monthly living expenses for Fouad’s family are covered. Follow Samira and show your support at

Heroes Fighting For Djibouti

Deka Issa Douhour

Deka Issa Douhour

Corporal of the Djiboutian republican guard and a singer for the band who resigned June 5th 2020 due to the deplorable conditions of detention displayed by Fouad Youssouf Ali on facebook. As a result of this she was detained by the republican guard camp on June 12th for 27 days. She was separated from her two sons, age one and age three, during her detention. Because she stood up to the government she lost her job and was wrongfully detained. Deka was awarded the prestigious ROSA PARK INTERNATIONAL PRIZE for her courage and civic contribution to fight injustice and to do triumph over democracy, freedom and peace.

Heroes Fighting For Djibouti

Youssouf Mohamed Ali Gabasse

Youssouf Mohamed Ali Gabasse

Republican guard Corporal who was detained without evidence on the suspected crime of photographing the President’s son’s illegal villa. For this his salary was blocked for 2 months threatening the safety of his two year old daughter. Gabasse was detained since July 28 2020. He was tortured and beaten, his relatives visited him and he had a broken rib.

Heroes Fighting For Djibouti

Fouad Youssouf Ali

Fouad Youssouf Ali

An airforce pilot who was the first officer to stand up against corruption. Despite numerous reports to the high command of the mistreatment from his commander nothing changed. He posted a video explaining his desperate situation and denouncing the corruption within the armed forces. He left Djibouti and went to Ethiopia to seek asylum. The Ethiopian government deported him back to Djibouti on April 8th where he still remains incarcerated. One of the guards felt touched by his story and gave him a cell phone to record a video. Fouad posted this video on June 3rd displaying the deplorable conditions of the toilet cell he was being kept in. He goes into detail of the sickness he has sustained from these conditioning.
One of which is a skin infection covering his body. This shocking video inspired the people to denounce the corruption and acted as the catalyst for the revolution. All of the suspected guards and the director were fired for assisting in the creation of this video.Later the government forced him to create a video saying they fixed these conditions however in a follow up video on September 8th Fouad proves this was not only false but his conditions have worsened. He was put into a cell with 50 criminals and was beaten by them, the skin infection was being treated by aloe vera his mother brought him, and he developed a throat condition that makes it difficult for him to talk.
As of today Friday, November 13th The pilot is still detained. Fouad was awarded the prestigious ROSA PARK INTERNATIONAL PRIZE for his courage and civic contribution to fight injustice and to do triumph over democracy, freedom and peace.

Heroes Fighting For Djibouti

Heroes fighting for Djibouti

Omar Ali Hassan

I was born in Djibouti on April 30th, 1978. Me and my wife Assia Isse Idriss are proud parents to four minor kids, three boys and a girl. In terms of languages I am proficient in French, English, Arabic, German, Somali, and Afar. In 1999 I obtained my High School Diploma in Djibouti and went on to study science for two years at a French university in Montpellier. With a passion to serve my country I returned back to Djibouti and joined the Djiboutian Army in 2001. By 2003 I was serving as an instructor in the Djiboutian Military School. Between 2004 to 2008 I attempted and graduated from the German Officer Mountain Course. In 2008, I was appointed as the company commander in the Rapid Intervention Regiment. In 2011, I graduated as a captain from the Maneuver Captain Career Course, Fort Benning Georgia, USA. From 2012 to 2014, I was deployed for the African Mission in Somalia as a company commander of the first-ever Djiboutian battalion sent there. After a few years, I was promoted to the post of Deputy Commander of the Military School in Holl-Holl, 25 miles away from the capital city Djibouti.

During my tenure I have trained 100 sharpshooters, mentored several company commanders, trained 100 young non-commissioned officers, organized and directed six months of training for 450 recruits in Djibouti’s military school. In August 2017 I was designated to gather, select, form, and command the Rapid Intervention Battalion.

I am deeply saddened and disturbed with the way things presently are in Djibouti. My beloved country has been taken over by dictatorship inflicting injustice, and corruption on its people. My heart bleeds for my country as I watch the wife of a young Djiboutian lieutenant pilot, crying and pleading for the release of her husband who has been detained in prison unfairly. It has made me realise the need to raise our voices against the inhumanity and injustice happening in Djibouti and led me to a social media campaign against the same. This bold step invited the wrath of the existing government who tried every opportunity to insult and threaten me, driving me out of my own country. Despite 20 years of dedicated service to the army, I was still abandoned by it. I was kicked out of my military lodging and my rightful dues that I was entitled to in exchange for my 20 year long service still yet to be paid. Currently I seek refugee asylum status in the USA while being constantly worried about the safety of his family who are living under fear, receiving threats and insults on a regular basis. I long to be reunited with my family and lead a peaceful life with them as I continue to keep the fight for democracy alive in Djibouti.

Heroes Fighting For Djibouti

Movement for the 2nd Republique


From different corners of the country and the world, voices of opposition can be heard loud and clear against the draconian ways of President Ismail Omar Guelleh’s government, repression of democratic rights, denial of human rights and unequal distribution of national wealth and power. However, this opposition is scattered and fractured preventing effective social and political actions to challenge the present dominant party authoritarian regime. Connect and collaborate with existing movements/groups/individuals near you to create an inclusive and integrated front with greater power and protection, against injustice of all kind.

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